(1 October 1957 - 14 January 2025)
I knew Waqar Aslam right from first day when we landed in PMA on 12th May 1975 and more so because we were assigned the same platoon: Khalid-4. But before anyone in the platoon started to know him or for that matter each other, Waqar was boarded out on medical grounds. And that was the day I saw him last for he vanished and got lost in the vast sea of people outside the PMA.
Generally no one remembers those who leave right in the first term of PMA for affiliations take time to get established. Although I heard later in the service that he has become superintendent of police, yet due to very coarse means of communication, no contact with him could establish. In the meantime while we continued with our career in the army, Waqar joined the police department after joining the Commoners 10 group. And later retired as DIG as a PSP officer. Thereafter, he chose to be an advocate and rose to be a advocate of the Supreme Court.
It was just about a couple of years before that Jamil somehow got in contact with him and was immediately taken on board by the Lahore Chapter. And from then on I established telephonic communication and talked a number of times. Much that I wanted to meet him and reminisce memories of the old day. I wish I was here in Pakistan to have visited him in the hospital. And by the will of Allah, our meeting was not to take place as after a brief admittance in Shifa Hospital he boarded his heavenly flight on 14th January 2025.
Last photo of Waqar with his son in law while admitted in Shifa Hospital.
Remembering Waqar Aslam, Jamil writes:.
وقار اسلم کی اچانک وفات کی خبر سنکر دلی صدمہ ہوا۔ چند دن پہلے ہی میری شفا ھسپتال میں ملک وقار اسلم سے فون پر بات ہوئی تھی، اور یہ جان کر اطمینان ہوا تھا کہ وہ شدید بیماری کے باوجود بلند حوصلے سے اس بیماری کا مقابلہ کر رہا تھا اور بہادری سے اپنی صحتیابی کی جانب گامزن تھا۔اور ہماری طرح وقار بھی پُرامید تھا کہ وہ جلد مکمل صحت یاب ہو کر انشاءاللہ گھر واپس لوٹےگا، مگر شاید اللہ تعالیٰ کو کچھ اور ہی منظور تھا۔
انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون
وقار اسلم نہایت نفیس، محبت کرنے والا ہمارا مخلص اور جیدار کورس میٹ اور دوست تھا۔
اللہ تعالیٰ ملک وقار اسلم کی مغفرت فرمائے، اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا کرے، تمام اہل خانہ کو صبر جمیل عطا فرمائے اور ہر قدم پر آسانیاں پیدا کرے۔ آمین۔
میجر ریٹائرڈ جمیل
May Allah bless Malik Waqar Aslam and all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen.
Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.
Thanks for the update Jalal Hameed Bhatti, Waqar Aslam was a wonderful person, though he resigned in first term but never gave up, I met him first time after PMA at Havelian in 1984 as he along Abid Qadri passed out from Civil Services Academy.
I still remember, both of these young n dashing police officers ready for their challenging career ahead.
Lost contact with Waqar for few years n found him through Facebook n added in 55th PMA forums in Facebook n WhatsApp.
He loved poetry n always showed his presence on social media with light humor.
May Almighty Allah bless him with the best place of Jannah tul Firdous Aameen.
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