Saturday, March 22, 2008

For the Benefit of the 55th's Community

As desired by many to have a blog to share news and views, as late as today when Tariq Khan from SWA also wished it - so here it is for all of the community to share views and news at leisure and directly. 

I hope this will be useful tool for inter communication.

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jamilbravo said...

Jalal,congratulations once again,you are the man!It has been a pleaure to meet you in GHQ and later at Lahore.Jalal its really a gr8 and noble job,you have really taken us in the wonderfu past,i could close my eyes and imagine the old good days marching on PMA Road,Bullshit by seniors"10 blankets nungay parree" ragra by stafs,Mile fobia,course front rolling from firing range and nice reception in parade ground after pehla qadam with our knees n elbows wounded,oh man,oh man.we still cherish that good old days.

Unknown said...

Hi everybody, just registering

Unknown said...

o once again you have done a really good job, Jalal. Hope all of you from the 55th have a really good get together at Abbottabad. I have already informed Ghazanfar about not being able to make it. Please forgive me. The situation here does not lend itself to course get togethers. Hope to pull out the division by end April (thats if nothing changes) and I shall return to greener pastures and civilisation. Will hope to see and meet as many of you all as possible in and around Okara. Currently my location fluctuates betweeen Jandola and Bannu but my HQs are at DIKhan. When I get to DIK I manage to put in sometime with the comptr otherwise the rest of the areas are not connected so this explains the long gaps in communication!!! Bye for now

altaf rehman said...

jalal,really you are theeeeee man.good job done,see you all if allah decides for me to visit pakistan. altaf rehman

jamilbravo said...

Taiq kahn ,its nice to see you in action after a long time.Best wishes and regards for the future.
Hope this global forum will keep us all united n in close communication for rest of our lives.

jamilbravo said...

Altaf Bhai,aoa! Do not be dis hearted
have faith in Allah and be hopefull inshAllah we will all meet again.My best wishes and humble prayers are with you all.I am happy you have so much love for your homeland Pakistan
Good luck

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Jamil, Tariq Khan and Altaf for joining up. This sure would provide a forum for all of us to share views, opinions and our sentiments. I pray everyone to be happy wherever all are and for their safe return.

jamilbravo said...

I think we need to reach everyone by all possible means of communication and inform about this wonderful means of gupshup.All coursemates to plz start sparing some time for eachother.
Share your feelings and sentiments.Inform about new arrivals in the family!!Marriages,Birthdays,Traveling,Adventures
and anything you like.Good luck
P.S:Jalal thx for the appreciation

Jalal HB said...

Thanks for your response and the urge for everyone to join in, Jamil.

I have already sent an e-mail to all possible course mates and I hope they will start responding in time.

aghafarooq said...

Another great idea. Its great to be able to interact and comm among the community. Distances and occupations can now be easily sumounted while we can cherish memories and associations. thanks Jala and Tariq.

jamilbravo said...

Thx 4 joining in Agha Farooq,we are now 5 on board and soon will be 55 n many more.

Unknown said...

Seems no one is really interested? Ha Ha, thats life. Not much to exchange I suppose. Nothing like meeting in person and having a good rolicking time, but all the same, the blogg is good to post our where abouts etc and so I hope other's catch on too.

Jamil said...

you are absolutely right my friend Tariq ,nothing like meeting in person.But still we 5 can continue and hope 4 the best.
Anyway life in Canada is getting back to normal after tonnes of snow.The birds are out of their nests n its almost mating season!!!We all enjoy watching birds and hearing soothing n
sweet sounds of water falls n the cool dew on the budding roses and colorful tulips.Niagara falls r in full bloom n waiting 4 the love birds like you n many more.Life is full of adventures mixed with joy but on a roller coaster ,you have to learn to enjoy.Cheers!!!!

Unknown said...

Jamil, So how is Canada treating you; or for thsat matter you treating Canada? Nice to be in touch again. What exactly are you doing there and do you come back at all? Give me an update, please.

Jamil said...

Tariq,Thx 4 responding so quickly as Men of Steel must do.I am so happy at least few of us are making use of this wonderful means of comm.
You know the question regarding ,how am i treating Canada or how Canada is treating me?? Let me tell you its a wonderful country,'Heavens on earth' may be!!A country so diverse that you come a cross people from 10 different origins in 10 minutes,speaking,chinese,italian,
persion and so on but people go along so well like a family,yes thats true.
Muslims enjoy great respect ,we have a number of Mosques almost in every town.Our Pakistani community is very well established and we do have representations in National and provincial Assemblies too.
The country is the 3rd largest (area wise)But the population is only 30 Millions.Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario where i live ,its a great city,the financial hub of Canada,temp during long winters is between -10 to -35 degree C.But there are even colder places like Qubec n Montreal.We also have Vancouver which is quite tropical and its usually warm but again its so beautiful,most of the Hollywood movies are filmed in Vancouver n Toronto areas.
We have one of the wonders of the world NIAGARA FALLS,its site worth seeing,they call it a paradise for the Honey mooners but others are not xempted!!!Its 2 hours from Toronto and every time i visit i feel i am 5 years younger...believe me.I keep going so immagine..the magic never ends.
Before my retirement I did my MBA in HR Management and came abroad.
Oh i forgot you asked me about what i do,i did everything people do in North America n Europe and later improved my Qualifications and joined a multinational Insurance Company CLARICA ,I am still working with them.My kids are studying in University of Toronto and McMaster university Hamilton.The junior in grade 11.
Tariq do find some time and visit us ,its a great country,your family is going to love here.
Summers are very colorful and full of events.
I think i must stop before its boring.
bye n tc

Jalal HB said...

I share Tariq's views - no one really cares about writing a hello or joining in the community. Sometimes I get frustrated when I ask some from the community "Have you seen the course website?" and get a blank answer "Oh Jalal, you know am not that computer friendly". This is really amazing - in this age and we are so far away from the very source of knowledge. Its getting hard to keep the site alive since there is no in put - most photos are mine and a few from a few good men. And thats all.
Anyway, we the few on this blog should keep the torch burning - may be someone sees the light.

Unknown said...

Chin up Jalal, everyone will catchon. I do have alot of stuff and photos but notwhere I am. I hope to get back to civilisation soon and shall make a reasonable contribution. At any rate, dont stop writing about yourself or whats happening around you.

Jamil said...

Have a heart gentlemen!!Don't get upset,everything is going 2 b just fine.keep doing the good job n b is the medicine(1st Dose):
Two friends Santa & Banta went to school for appearing in English exam (5thstandard). They had crammed an essay of "MY BEST FRIEND". But unfortunately, in the question-paper it was written ..... write anessayon "MY FATHER"in just 30-45 words. So Santa was utterly confused & nervous ...what to do!!! Banta gave an idea . . . . Just write the essay my best friend & just keep on replacing the wordfriendwith the father..... So this was how Santa & Banta wrote the essay "MY FATHER"...... - "Fathers are everywhere , but good fathers are very rare.I have so many fathers , but my best father is pyarelal.He is my neighbour. He often comes to my home & my mother likes him verymuch.And the closing sentence of the essay was:"A father in need is a father indeed".

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Tariq and Jamil. It is heartening to see Tariq finding time and from where he is and staying close to us all "electronically". I would eagerly await his early return so as to lay hand on his trove and include in the site.
Jamil!! I liked the joke - thanks for the lighter moments.
Stay safe wherever you all are - May Allah protect us all. Ameen

Unknown said...

Anyway, I am on the blog daily so if there are any messages or conversations I am available even if I have not posted anything. Will not be there for the course get togeather because of where I am. Could have managed it if it had been grouped with the formaiton commander's conference,i.e. 19th or 25th but I suppose the organizers must have run into administrative problems.

S A J Shirazi said...

Count me in. And thanks for making a dedicated blog. Hope it grows more popular.

Jamil said...

Shirazi welcome aboard,we r building up slowly.Plz keep in touch.

Jamil said...

I really miss you all guys,55 is a great course and we have wonderful memories to cherish, wish i could attend course get together and meet everyone individually with grey hairs,no hairs,wigs and who cares!!
Plz do remember me in your prayers.I am in Canada (Remember Niagara Falls),little short of North Pole ,temp remains -10C to -35C but its fun most of the time.
Spring and Falls are so beautiful,direct flight from Pakistan is just 14 Hours,do spend some savings,comeon visit the World ,its so charming.

Unknown said...

Hi shirazi, so where are you and what are you doing??

Jalal HB said...

Thank you Shirazi for finally surfacing from oblivion. You should have made it to Abbottabad and had yourself included in photos of K-4.

Well, we had a rollicking time at the course get together in Abbottabad for two days. Perhaps this would remain matchless for years to come as Ghazanfar Ali had
turned this into "The greatest show on the earth" - I wish everyone of us was there.

I am trying to put as many photos as I can along with a run down of events so that those who missed it should also feel at home.
So please visit the exclusive two paged report on the mega event.

Happy viewing - and best of luck for all those who are away. I pray for you all.

Unknown said...

Hey, everyone, seems you all had a really good time at the get-together. The photos say it all. We can only envy the rest of you, maybe one day the rest of us who were missing here can join in the fun and frollick as well. Missed you all and may you all have the most that life can offer and that opportunity presnts.

Jamil said...

It was a treat to watch the group photo of 55 PMA at Abbottabad.Believe me i could not recognize many.I wish i could attend,I would have to make all the efforts to make it next time InshaAllah.
God Bless You all
Keep it up 55, I call them the Leaders

Jalal HB said...

Thank you Tariq and Jamil for following up the proceedings of the course get together through the website. Also please read Akhtar Nawaz Janjua's comments in "Your Mail". I will add more photos as and when received from Ghazanfar. I have also made a gallery of snapshots of everyone who was there.

jamilbravo said...

Jalal aoa
Thx 4 reminding,i will be looking fwd
2 receive your mighty call.Any ways i am hearing so much on this gr8 get together that i am getting jealous(not really)that why i was not there.Plz do fwd Ghazanfers e mail address so that i can personally thank him 4 this wonderful job.

Jamil said...

seems like pin drop silence,anybody there????????????
See u later

Ali said...

Hi, I am Akbar Ali (Kalaengine).
After going through this philophical and sleep provoking mail I thought it appropriate to poke my nose and misdirect this effort. Jamil I think you have met T.K a bit late and hav'nt seen him going across the 'Wooden Horse' to which he use to rub from one end to another with his front part. That's why you started with number of mosques in your 'Ground and Weather'. I think Tora Bora has little mistrweated him otherwise he is a normal guy. Let him come out of his 'hideout' and senses too and you would find his real areas of interests.

Any way mice, wish you best of luck and success. It is realy freshening to c ur mail and high spirits. God bless u and your family.

Jamil said...

I knew someone will be there to say hello!! Howz life treating you my friend Akbar,I can see you smiling under your lips.Are you still nabbing
around or enjoying in Historical City
of Lahoriets.
Howz 55th community doing,I wish them all great summers and a very happy life.
keep up the spirit and stay in touch.

Ali said...

dmmicHi, Sir Jamil we met in course get-to-gether in Lahore. I m doing well and so far settled in Lahore. I do remember you whenever I pass through Harbanspura or cross Sherpao near VSD, which I do daily to go to my office. I also remember our surprise encounter in Karachi flight.
I am working as Head of Security in MCB Bank.55th is also doing well under the leadership of Mr Zahir in Lahore. He keeps on creating occasions to get us together. God bless him.
If there is any service for me in your native city please do give me a chance.

Allah hafiz.

Unknown said...

Ohay Akbar!!!, Kidher tha tu; engrazzi may nahi likh reha hu, roman urdu tau samaj lo gay!! Get in touch, so good to hear from you.

Unknown said...

To every other civilised person of the 55th PMA LC, was away for a few days and had no electronic, human or other contact!!! Some by choice and the rest by default. Enjoyed the silence and realsied it makes most sense!!

Ali said...

Hi, Tariq I'll not ask about ur well being b,cause u r in ur own people, rather gone back to ur old civilization. All of us pray 4 ur success and wish u all the best (under the circumstances).Hope 2 c u back soon. I have come to Lahore and settled here (at least 4 the time being). I do come accross Katto (working with Honda), Goofi (ISI), Nusrat Disgrasor (enjoying retired life), Dhurmat (Brig Trial) and Sir Ateeq (Mobilink).Qazalbash also appears on the screen occasionally.'Mein aajkal MCB Bank ka Chief security Officer' hoon.
Keep in touch. Allah hafiz.

Unknown said...

Hi Akbar, imagine 'you' guarding the money for a bank; it is like taking coal to New Castle, what is the world coming to. Sorry for the late reply, was away doing things!! There was a possibility of us coming out of this place but the Mehsuds decided that liked our company so we are back to square one again. This world seems so far away form the one where judges need to be restored and elections have to be won.

Jalal HB said...

Hi Guys!! I was off the air as I had shifted to a new place and it took time for getting connection of the telephone and the broadband. Nice to see Akbar Ali on board and of knowing that he is doing fine.

Best of luck for everyone. God bless us all. Ameen

Unknown said...

For those of you who still read this. Have been posted to FC. This will be my third command in this rank and I have started to think that the powers that be have no confidence in my intellectual capacity and as such are trying to keep me away from a desk. I have reproted in Peshawar and all are welcome though I may not be around since I am usually with the sector HQs in the field because of all the excitment in the NWFP.

Jalal HB said...

Best of Luck Tariq for your new assignment - though I agree with you that your intellectual abilities should be explored somewhere else.

May I also inform everyone that 6 September marks the farwell to arms by a number of one stars (including myself) - Wish us well as we are taking our boots off after 33 years.

Visit the course website for more information

Jamil said...

Thanks God !Someone knocked at our doors and woke us up,but most of us are still in sound sleep.
Anyhow i saw you a week back in FC's uniform in the GEO/ARY TV in Canada,thought may be due to some ops reasons you are wearing that but thx for info.
Regarding your third consective command i believe they cannot find a better brain than you for this sensitive job,May Almighty Allah be with you and success follows you where ever you go.Our prayers are always with you.
I saw you after a long time ,you have put on some weight,isn't so?
Good luck

Jamil said...

To All my friends saying Farewell to arms!
Brothers!WE are all proud of you,you really deserve our salute as you successfully complete your 33 great years with one of the finest Army in the World.
Serving in the military with all the honors,dignity and respect definitely needs hard work ,dedication and motivation,you all had that and showed with your actions,we all feel proud of you.Retiring from Army (or any profession) with honor and respect really makes you feel so great and so relaxed that after serving 33 years you feel you have achieved your goal/mission and handed over the flag to next generation without any spot on it.Keep it up stars*** of 55th.
And welcome to the Retirees Club ,now you will have more time for yourself ,your better halves,your bright kids and more so for GOLF and buddies.
Do not forget to exercise,you need it more now.
Do not start another job immediately ,take some break and have a nice tour of the beautiful world waiting for you with your darling (wifes).
With lots of love and good wishes

Unknown said...

IT is something realiy to be proud off . This forum is an excellent opportunity to get connected to each other and share ' What is happening on the other side of the hill ' . i am in ANF Rawalpindi . Thanks indeed jalal .

Jamil said...

so finally we are back in action once again with the courtesy of Jalal ,to whom i would like to call The Communicator,i could not believe my luck when i first time saw this website of 55 PMA and the 55th's Personals blog,believe me when some of our course mates died,few had retired,some got their sons and daughters married and few lucky and leading brothers became Generals,every time i would type a letter on my computer and wait for finding address/phone number or e mail address but no luck except frustration.
What a magic this tall man has created ,united us all like a strong knitted team once again,three cheers for Jalal! Hurray,
Jalal keep up the spirit.May Almighty Allah reward you for this graet job here and the world after,Aameen

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Asif and Jamil for putting life into this blog. I am grateful for Jamil's beautiful words - rest assured I ' ll do anything that I can to keep the site concurrent with the lates news and views from all cornors. Hope I get input in the form of pictorials and written stuff to add to the site. God bless you all. Ameen

Unknown said...

Hi all sorry for being off the radar for so long. Was busy in Bajaur and surrounding areas./ Life is coming back to normal slowly but surely. I think we should try a Peshawar get togeather since I have quite abit of administrative advantage. It will be fun meeting all. Think about it and lets see if we cdan pull it off.

Unknown said...

OK the blog is getting too boring, must liven it up with a joke or something. So two Pushtoon Couples (Pushtoon as oppossed to Pukhtoon, since the former is from my area and the latter from else where and I do not want to offend anyone), decided to exchange partners. After an amazing 3 hours of intimate sex, Mukhmud Khan said to his partner,'Lets see how the girls are doing."

Jamil said...

we understand your sentiments but lets wait and see,may be few more will pickup some courage and join in.
People really donot understand what are the real meanings of life and by the way when they do,there is hardly any life left,but its never late,just do it.

Unknown said...

Hi Jamil, I call our society a mummy-daddy society. The parents control the purse and the child upto 40 asks permission to go take a shit!!! They have no choice in their marriage, job selection or how to spend their holidays. They even do not have a say in the upbringing of their children. So when the parents begin to die, i.e. the 'child' is about 50 or so, the first thing he does is to get remarried etc etc. He is liberated and free, suddenly he can do what ever he wants, unfortunately,at his age, everything hurts and what does not hurt does not work! So he becomes a bitter old man in constant conversation with God Almighty, advising the rest how to die for their religion but will never preach how to live for their beliefs. That is why when Leek Won U ( The founder of modern Singapore) was asked what formula does he have for Pakistanis to improve the quality of their lives he said, 'How can I improve the lives of people who only believe in life after this life'.

Jalal HB said...

Welcome back tariq - and its heartening to know that despite being in a very non-hearty environment, your sense of humour is alive (I liked the joke about the two Pathans).

For the benefit of the morose ones, I have added a new section "Humour in Uniform" to share our good and lighter moments of PMA and thereafter.

Since no one has contributed so far, so I have copied/pasted some jokes from here and there to bring smiles.

Your idea of Peshawar get together is superb - I have the course management looks into this.

Jamil said...

Hi Tariq!Thanks for keeping this forum alive,you really are doing great keep it up and keep smiling.
Yes i agree thats what unfortunately we are!!Life is much more than how people on this part of the world waste it.
We have yet to explore the true colors of life,come see how people in this part of the world live,enjoy and have fun.Life has no limits, kids sleep alone from day 1 and start working in summers when they are 15.Imagine what confidence and concept of life they would have while they are young and adults.
Stay cool and play safe.
Take Care

Unknown said...

Listen up you guys, kicking the arse of these so called Taliban has given me great personal pleasure. I know that these jokers are low life and have managed to cow down a more moderate and rational peoples. Life was wonderful without their brand of islam and as such they must be elimenated. A pushto poet, Ghani Baba, says that a Moulvi is like a chameleon lizard. It changes colour to attract flies so that it can eat the flies: so beware of the Mullah. In our area we normally saw him on our fatrher's funeral and our son's circumcision. Now the bugger wants to rule our space and area, tell us what our women should wear and how they should behave. When God Almighty decided that the world needed an improvement he sent the Holy Prophet and the Holy Quran and also decided not to send no one else after that. So Islam spread for the better part of a thousand years and there wasa no need to send anyone. Now in the years 2000 -2008 we have jokers like Baitullah Masood palming out certificates to people which would allow them access to Paradise!! I shall be gone again tomorrow for a few days to settle scores on behave of the people of Pakistan, alive or murdered by these bastards and shall get in touch later with you all. Bye for now and look after yourselves.

Jamil said...

May Almighty Allah be with you my friend,take care and be back safe and successful ,our prayers are with you.

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Tariq and Jamil for a better conversation when times are just odd against us. I pray for Tariq and all those Khakis (Army and CAF) taking care of those rouge people - certainly not friends of Pakistan and even perhaps not Muslims - Only Allah can put these evils on the right track.

In the meantime if you get a chance, please read some memories shared by ZIQ in our Humour in Uniform Section.

Unknown said...

Ok I am back for a day or so. Things progressing well. Hopetpwrapupthe Northern parts of the FATA by end December.

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Tariq for taking time off from your hectic activities and keeping this blog alive - hope yu wind up things once for all.

Jamil said...

Tariq ,i wish we had few more brave Generals like you,keep it up,we are all proud of you.
May Almighty Allah be with you always.
Be my guest in Canada after wraping up this puzzel.

Unknown said...

So many blogs have come up that one does not know which one to attend to. I thought this would be the point op contact but now we have a confusion of blogs!!! So Jalal, I am sorry but it appears that you are a victim of the typical Pakistani syndrome, the devided mosque

Jamil said...

jalal can we have the current list of all coursemates e mail addresses??

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Tariq and JB for ocassionally visiting the blog - I agree what Tariq says - but I ll still go on and keep this blog and site alive only because you know it is always there - to see some faces we havent seen since decades or may even not see again.

We all are gray haired "apparanetly" ( I wont comment on other forms of human hair) and need to talk and see each other often or even say hello to know the other side is still charged.

Be happy wherever you are.

Unknown said...

Ok, just an update for those who wish to know. There has been a sort of surrender in Bajaur by the militants and we are workingon the details.The thunder has been stolen on account of the Sharif's issue and so the news channels are notreporting this. However, tomorrow the intrernational press is arriving and there should be a proper hype. It is important because this was TTP's number 2 and as such TTP will be under severe pressure here on. I feel we can win this thing and bring peace and stability to the FATA areas by the end of this year provided we remain on course.
Other than this, I am now more often at Peshawar and assuch accomodation and transport for 55th PMA L/C are guaranteed!! Smile all and have a good time, life is worth living if you live it!

Jalal HB said...

Thats some great new Tariq!! We have been awaiting such breakthroughs since long - Hats off to all of you who have made this possible (of course Allah's help by you always).

Come back with all the feathers you can bring in your cap.

Jamil said...

Hello Tariq,Thanks for the update,great job ,you are the man.
I had a firm believe you could do it,its leadership,courage and initiative,well done.We are happy and proud that we have a share in bringing life back to normalcy,peace in the region at last.
Jalal thanks for keeping us connected dear,howz rest of the 55th doing.
Tariq,thx for the open invitation,i wish i was back home,i would have definitely visted you at Peshawer,but will on my next trip InshaAllah.
Welcome to Canada anyways.

Akhtar N Janjua said...

JHB, I am puzzled; despite opening the link every day, how did I miss this segment? Approbation, however to you, Jamil and Tariq for superb contribution and keeping it active despite a marked lack of involvemevt by others. I have gone through all 63 posted till now and it makes a wonderful reading. Jamil off course is actively involved in E mail stuff and throws in really good, informative and valuable input.

In his last post, Tariq answers one of his own query of September 2, 2008, why a DESK job is eluding him? Pal, as per an old adage "WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GETS GOING". Also keep in mind "USSE CHHUTTI NAH MILI JISS NEY SABAQ YAD KIA". Dangerous circumstances separate the Men from Boys. As Jamil said; YOU ARE THE MAN, so keep doing what you are doing and if you CAN accomplish it by the end of the year, it would be a great service rendered to Islam, the security and unity of Federation of Home Land in Particular and world in general.

May Allahu Taala Give you the strength, courage and conviction to KEEP GOING.

Jalal HB said...

Welcome Janjua to the blog - your presence would surely make this blog active and lively.

Jamil said...

welcome aboard Janjua the great:Thanks for the sweet words,i really appreciate that.Yes Tariq,JB and me have been trying to keep this channel alive.Seems like an isolated island where some friends do land for a while,with a smile some times,and then leave forever.Hope you would stay back,Thanks anyways.
Tariq is doing a wonderful job,I don't think Pakistan has ever been in such a difficult do and die situation,Hats off to Tariq and his team,we really are proud of you.Tariq.
May Almighty Allah be with you
I am in Canada and like to stay in touch through internet,e mail,55th blog,web site,JB has made the world so small.

Akhtar N Janjua said...

Salam Bhaio; heared the the old saying "SIR MUNDATE HI AAOLE PARHE" I posted the maiden comments and the Course Web went missing. I inquired from JHB on the day of TS's daughter RUKHSTI ceremony as to what had gone wrong?

Nice to have it back and what a coincidence! it HAS resurfaced on 16 March, the day the QAZIS got the nod to reoccupy their JUSTICE DISPENSING SEATS.

GAJOO and LUSH GREEN Abbotabad shall again be hosting the reunion of 55th FAMILY, come second week of April. I remember Jamil you had vowed after last years GT, to come and join in 2009. Are You?

2009 is the year when the remining ONE STARS will be saying goodbye to the active list so how wonderful it would be to REUNITE at Abbotabad (probably for the last time)where we all STARTED THE VOYAGE. After 2009 bulk of the GTs may be at RWP, off course the exception may be that the future CCs Insha Allah may arrange at their places of duty. TARIQ, HOWEVERE, CAN INVITE THE COURSE TO PSC ANY TIME?


Jalal HB said...

Thank you Janjua for the nice comments.

The site has been relocated to:

as the previous domain name was experiencing some problems. All to note please.

Looking forward to see everyone at Abbottabad on 11th and 12th April on yet another mega event of 2009. I hope Tariq Khan will also join us.

I wish everyone well.

Unknown said...


Jamil said...

Its always a pleasure to see some one on this site,JB thanks for restoration of site.
Janjua Bhai,Thanks for inviting,I know how great it feels to be at Abbottabad,that too with all your buddies.I do not think i will be able to make it this time,pray Almighty Allah makes it easier for the next time InshaAllah.
Tariq as usual taking the lead,get ready for the PSE,may be by that time might join in too.Tariq good job done in FATA,KEEP IT UP,Brother

Akhtar N Janjua said...


Tariqs historically have been BARE DIL WALE, (Remember Bin Ziad) they only move forward what ever the adversity, so our Tariq is no different, beating the bad guys, retainaing the INITIATIV, HE IS WILLING TO HOST THE COURSE. JHB EXTEND THE INVITATION.

Jamil,you are always with us via e presence and valuable inputs. YAAR ZINDA SOHBAT BAQI.



Jamil said...

Zindabad 55,Zindabad
I agree brother,we should keep moving forward others will join in InshaAllah.
Lets not give up!

Unknown said...

Hi all, when you meet for the reunion please tell the course sectretary that if he gets in touch with me we can work out another get-togather here at everyone's convenience. Wuold love to see all and meet all but unfortunatley the Abbottabad thing is not keeping with the fmn comd's confernece that I had warned everyone about and we cannot get out of the zone for too long!!

Akhtar N Janjua said...

Assalamo Allaikum WRWBH! Allahu Taala is YOME PAKISTAN KO Pakistan aur is ke Basion ke liye Karm Aur Khushion ka bais Banaye. AAMEEN.
Allah May Give us Strength and fortitude to measure upto our responsibilities towards DEEN AND OUR DUNIYA ie PAKISTAN.

Dili Mubarik to all BHAIS who have earned, through their sheer dedication, hardwork, brilliance and excellence of execution, the award of HI(M). Maula in ko is se bhi barh kr Taufeeq Ataa Frmaye that they should keep the flag of Pakistan, Pak Army and KHANDANE PACHWANJAH, HIGH TOWARDS SKY. This award should open the new vistas of Radiance and Efficiency for them. Aameen.

Allahu Taala Grant the Highest Rewards to Javed Sultan in the JANNAT, and this worldly recognition should make his family, service and 55 bow in gratitude and rightly proud.

Akhtar N Janjua said...

Salam Bhaio; Yeh Sakoot kis Cheez ka pesh khaima hai. "Tum na Jaane kis Jahan mein kho gaye" last conversation took place on 22nd March and today is 2nd April but no halchal from any one. As per Faiz "Tujh se bhi dilfreb hain ghum rozgar ke" Sb Khuch Theek hai na?

Allahu Taala sb ko Hifz O Aman mein Rakhe.

Jalal HB said...

Janjua Bhai!! You are a new comer to this blog - this blog sleeps a lot (like a retired bum) and only opens it eyes when either tariq or Jamil Bravo find time to say a few words. So let it remain the way it is - bohat ziada shor bhi acha naheen.

Jamil said...

Asslam alikum
Tariq,Jalal,Janjua Please accept heartiest congratulations for HI(M) to all of you.
Congratulations to all other brother officers 1* and 2** for HI(M),May Almighty Allah protect and shower his blessings on all.
Please do convey my humble regards to all course mates.
Things seem to be getting better back home ,wish n pray for peace.

Akhtar N Janjua said...

Assalamo Allaikum WRWBH; Jalal, Mr Wonderful, HB and every one of KHANDAN-E-PACHWANJA, I humbly and solmenly beesech Allahu Taala for your Eemane Mohkim, Persistent Prosperity and Sustaind Security from all physical and spirtual threats.

Ghazanfar and his team deserve every ones' profound gratitude and honest good wishes for yet another beautiful display of grand hospitality at gorgeous Abbotabad. Another years has gone and that too so quickly, 13 April 2008 at Abbotabad looks just like yesterday but 12 April 2009 too has come and departed leaving behind one more NOSTALGIA, YEHI ZINDGI HAI. Many of the 2008 participants could not make it to the grand occasion this time round, they must be having their reasons but we all missed them. There were lot who could not attend last year but turned up on 12th, and Insha Allah next year may witness still more, SILSALA INSHA ALLAH YOONHI CHALTA RAHE GA.

It was an extremely marvelous gesture by family of Javed Sultan to have made to the get together and Asif ought to be complemented for requesting BEHN to be the GUEST OF HONOUR on the ocassion.

Fateha by MS for those who have left for their eternal abode highlighted the exceptionally strong bond of KHANDAN-E-PACHWANJA and reassurance that we do not forget UNKO JO HMARE APNE HEIN wherever they may be.

I hope like last year, GAJOO will provide every one the CD covering the event, for our Archives.

Next Year some body else should try to emulate Ghazanfar and 2009 should host another AKATH on behalf of TK at Peshawar.

Allah Hr IK ko Apni Panah Ataa Frma De. Aameen.




Jalal HB said...

Tariq's committments are understandable - but why others are in slumber - we need to pat Tariq and his men and all others in Khaki who are doing one of the toughest duty of present times - we wish all of them the very best and hope they return with a mission accomplishment which is very vital for the solidarity of Pakistan.

Arjmand said...

Dear JHB & all 55thites
First of all thanks & well done JHB for such a wonderful work.I & my family wont have been able to go in my beautiful past in the manner in which u made it possible.salam & prayers to all 55thites. Hope & pray to hear good about all.My cell no is 03219303765 & email ,
Allah Hafiz

Unknown said...

Arjumand, it was sad post. So whats the plan?

Jamil said...

Seems to be quite all around........hellooooo........Howz evry one on the other side of the world........Thanks and three cheers for Tariq Khan finall giving us some good news about SWAT.
Keep up the great work Tariq,you guys have really done what these political idiots have not been able to do it since ages.
Kick these cowards and lets make Pakistan a real Quaid e Azams Pakistan.
We fully understands and acknowoledge the sacrifices made by the civil armed forces and the military so far,May Almighty Allah reward all of you for this noble mission.

Jalal HB said...

Thanks AIJ (we have three Janjuas AAJ, ANJ and you AIJ) and welcome aboard. Hope you will be regular visitor of the site and the blog.

I also second JamB for supporting Tariq's efforts and everyone out there. May Allah protect you and bring you all back with caps full of feathers. Ameen

jamilbravo said...

People like to live in their self created boundaries..walls..fortified ..imagine...judgments being passed without any reason ...complexes... unknown fears and so on.....If we fear Almighty Allah ..will be great.
We all need to protect and build the positive image of our country and the Armed Forces.But it really breaks my heart and soul when i see our own people talk against the Military....Isn't that sad....How dare they? Ask them have they done anything for their mother land? The answer will be No!!
These are the guys(Black sheep's) we call shameless.
Long live Pakistan
Three cheers for Armed Forces

Jalal HB said...

Eid this year went by - leaving behind memories of many who had left us for their heavenly abode - specially Mumtaz and Basharat Bhatti who left us in year 2009 - pray for their souls. May they all be blessed. Ameen

Jalal HB said...

Eid ul Azha went by as the last major event of the year (and perhaps this post of mine too - since the blog is lying idle for months altogether).
I wish and pray next year would bring us more happiness and peace.
I pray for the departed comrades and all of you and your families. Be happy - all of you

Jamil said...

Asslam o alikum :
Happy new Islamic year and Happy new working year!
Before i write something lets look back what lessons have we learnt and what have we lost in the past year? Certainly has not been a very great year in the history of our beloved country Pakistan.The whole world has tried its best(including few traitors)to destroy us but let me remind them Pakistan came into being after great sacrifices of our fore fathers,sisters,brothers and leaders under the founder of Pakistan Quaid E Azam and would InshaAllah stay on the world map till this world is there.
Lets not forget those brothers who have left us.
Lets pray the misery the whole Nation is going through will end soon with a new era of Peace and progress and happiness.
I was in Pakistan for a very short visit and sorry could not meet everyone inspite of my best efforts ,hope you guys will pardon me.However salute to Lahore Chapter,who arranged a get together
at FF Club in Defence Lahore.A large number of Officers along their Better Halves attended.We had delicious food,cherished old memories and shared stories.
I must thank ZahirKhan,Ather, Waqar and Ghulam Abbas for such a memorable evening including special thanks to all Bhabies and Brothers for sparing some time to honour me,keep it up 55th.I am so proud of you all.
Jalal,Tariq,Janjua please do not give up,lets keep this forum alive.I understand these old men have to deal with a lot of stuff after retirement.May Almighty Allah shower his blessings on all of us.
All the best!

Jalal HB said...

Oh!! We have a lost guy in this forum once again. hope never dies....

Jamil said...

Thanks Jalal Bhatti:I was never lost........I was everywhere you couldnot find me...........I always enjoy the networks(emails,blogs,sms,text msgs).

Akhtar N Janjua said...

Bhaio! AOA, WRWBH; Allah sb ko Hifz o Amaan Ataa Frmaye; aameen...... A long siesta by everyone, ( 9 months to be exact, 27 December - 27 September)since the last post appeared on this page. What has prompted me to come out of the hibernation is the fact that Torch Bearers of our Brotherhood are once again poised to scale the peak lying ahead of them and I ask every family member of KHANDAN E PACHWANJA to pray to Almighty Allah for His KRME KHUSOOSI on each one of them for this forward thrust too. Pachwanja over the years has passed through many control points and established several benchmarks. Our solo flights converged unto a common Control Point that was way back in May 1975 as we as a group landed in Pakistan Military Academy and thus starting the Advance of 55Th. Few left us, still few lagged behind but majority crossed the bar on 16 April 1977. April 1980 saw most of us as 'budding captains' and our final promotion as a course came in 1988 when we graduated from boyhood to Majors. Knockout rounds started in 1994 where some were slated to stay back and others marched on. Come 2000 and elimination chamber opened, a small number bowed out, smart ones pole vaulted and a minority provided the cushion between the sprinters and stragglers. 2002 witnessed further sieving, with some eliminations, and some joining the forerunners. 2006 was the year which found the brilliant ones marching on and others stayed back on the course to finish the round with honor and dignity and NOW HERE IS 2010, MAY BE THE PENULTIMATE PUSH FORWARD BY THOSE WHO ARE STILL ON THE FIELD (WHY PENULTIMATE BECAUSE I WISH ANY ONE OUT OF THE LOT TO BE ON THE EVEREST AS WELL). Where ever we are and what ever we are, our RISHTA as members of the KHANDAN has grown stronger with every moment and every control point crossed. It is wonderful to see those who are 'kicking' assisting - whosoever makes the 'call'. The brotherhood is expanding and Jalal 'the Caring Bhai' provide the forum for interaction from North America to rugged mountains of KPK and Balochistan, from unfathomable labyrinth that is Islamabad to serene Lahore and capricious Karachi

Please join me in beseeching Allahu Taala that 'our boys' again establish the benchmark by outscoring others. (and why not? all of them are delivering where ever they are) May Allah Bless them all.

Jalal HB said...

Thank you ANJ for breaking the thaw that was in place for the last nine months. I wish all those aspirants for yet higher glories the very best of luck. I also hope they would be more helpful to their course mates who have been children of the lesser gods and help them due to their weighty positions. I also send my best wishes to all course mates where ever they are. Be happy always.

Akhtar N Janjua said...

Bhaio! heartiest congratulation to all who have climbed yet one more step up the ladder, May Allahu Taala take them through with honor in their new assignments. Lets pray that any two make it to the summit InshAllah when the time comes.

As for those who have not got the nod, just want to say "we are proud of you" because we know you lack nothing, you are up with the very best there is. As JHB said 'BE HAPPY' bow in gratitude before Allahu Taala with complete humility for His uncountable REHMAs on us all.

Jamil said...

Heartiest Congratulations to Tariq Khan,Agha Farooq,Salim Nawaz and Zahir Ul Islam on their very well deserved promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General.
Well done friends May Allah shower his blessings upon all of you and Good Luck for your new assignment.rnes

Unknown said...

Hi everybody' It was really hreatening to see the celebrations of our great coursemates on their promotion to the ranks of Lt Gen. JHB and Asif deserve appreciations to keep 55th alive in twin cities. Congradulations to Tariq,Agha, Salim and Zaheer and their families on their well deserved promotion. May Allah give them success in their future endavours too. Asif should consider other stations as well for holding such events and should not become secretary of Islamabad chapter only. We at Lahore, have slowed down despite the efforts being made by Sir Ather, due to probably resource constraints.

Allah Hafiz

Jamil said...

The whole 55th PMA Long Course is really doing a great job,our service to the beloved land is never going to be a waste.Keep the good work going.
The way the promotion of 4 of 3 stars is being celebrated is tremendous and so heart warming........Agha Umer Farooq,Tariq Khan.Salim Nawaz and Zahir Ul Islam we are all proud of you.May Almighty shower his blessings upon all of you.
Please do remember the ones who are not amongst us,ensure their families and children are always included and not left alone.
Also remember ,appreciate and acknowledge the one who have sacrificed and invested their precious time,money and hard work to make all these occasions world class.I really do not know all but would still like to mention them:Jalal Bhatti,Asif,Zahir Khan,Ather,Waqar,Ghulam Abbas,Asim Jilani,Haye,Jehangir,Ghazenfer and many more heroes.I am sorry friends if i have not mentioned anyone's name.
I only get the information through the web,email and newspaper.
Please keep us informed ...we are family and love to hear and share all the sorrows and happiness.
We have spent a life long time we live together and die together.
Regard and take care.
May Allah be always with you.
Jamil Canada

Jalal HB said...

With Jamil focusing more on the FaceBook, this forum seems to have reached its logical end.

Unknown said...

Dear course mates,


Please visite this website to know
about our Dean,

Muhammad Tariq Pervez.

Unknown said...

Dear Jalal,

It is really wonderful.
I must congratulate you for opening
this blog.

Many of you must have forgotten me
due to my own ignorance and none of
your faults. I myself could not visit course gatherings and hence
remained out of touch. Now, I have
enough time to communicate with
you all. I hope you will all forgive me.

M.TARIQ PERVEZ 55th, Khalid-3

Rizwan Chaudry said...

Tariq Perwaiz
You Desi Baba where are you? Long time no see no hear because you were busy in see here look there with squinted eyes.Cannot forget the good days of Gujranwala.Regards to your family.Lost your contact no please.Missed you at Mangla

Rizwan Chaudry said...

Dear Jalal,
As you desired I have joined the Blog.I would like to commend you on your candid reporting.Your pictorial of Mangla get together was par excellence.The hosts were charming and the ghosts (Course mates) were heart warming.You are doing a good job

Jalal HB said...

Thanks Rizwan for joining in - I hoe you would continue to participate and contribute

Col Mushtaq (R) said...

Jalal whatever you do to keep the 55th's spirit alive, I am with you and I am sure every body will second me.

Jalal HB said...

Thank you Mushtaq for the support

Jamil said...

Jalal so we are back in action again!Congrats.I am sure we would get some new members now as most have either retired or can not do anything other than play.......yes play with their laptops and desktops,No one cares now,not even the better half's and kids........they know these old men can do what they do!lol