Saturday, October 10, 2020

In memory of Ijaz Ahmed

(15 June 1953 - 19 July 2009)
Ijaz Ahmed was yet another pleasing, friendly and supportive comrade. He always wore a charming smile and was never seen in a cross mood. His affable and amicable personality motivated others to feel lighter and happier even under severe PMA training days. In fact, we did not remember what he said to us, but it was his smile that filled the boredom and rigours of training with the happiness of real life. He was truly honest and genuine, that is why everyone remembers him good words even today.

Such are the comrades who make everyone feel like they are real people and not just a number or a wheel in a cog, and they have the ability to make others feel appreciated.

Ejaz Ahmed, hailing from Sialkot initially joined Tariq -1 and continued with the same platoon which later became Khalid seniors. He had a light complexion, golden hair and well chiseled features. His moderate temperament made him a most likeable person. After passing out he landed in ASC. 
The battered faces after boxing (2nd Term) Ijaz kneeling fourth from left 
Ijaz stands second from right - Third Term Assault Course
Final Term Khalid Seniors - Ijaz stands second from right first row (The group photo also includes late Zahid Rasool and Javed Sultan)

I myself came to know him more when we both got posted to Karachi on commissioning and met on a number of occasions. I was stationed at Clifton while Ijaz lived in the present Baloch Mess in Sadar Karachi. Thus, his mess made an obvious stop from me coming all the way from Clifton. We would then go out for food and movies. I lost contact with him when my unit moved to Sargodha a year later. Then years went by till I met him in Lahore in March 2009 in Zahir's office and I told him that it had been years since I met him and we heartily reminisced our memories of Karachi. I never knew I would never meet him again. 
Ijaz (standing in middle) attending perhaps his last tea break at Zahir's office in Lahore on the eve of visit of Saeed from USA - 2009 - late Ghulam Mustafa Maan also sits second from left

Tariq Fazal continues recalling Ijaz and says:
During service our paths seldom crossed, except for once. During the early eighties, I met him at Muzaffarabad, where he was posted as staff captain ASC in an infantry Brigade. His posting indicated a promising career progression for a young ASC officer. He seemed very happy and satisfied with life and acted as a most caring and generous host to his platoon mate. 
Thereafter, I lost all contact with Ejaz until after retirement from service at Lahore. I felt sorry to know that Ejaz had a premature retirement probably due to some health issues. That put him into great financial trouble and resulted in mental tension. He lived in one of the Askari flats near Gulberg Lahore. One morning of 19 July 2009 it was sadly learnt that Ejaz had died of a train accident while trying to cross a railway level crossing on foot near Gulberg Lahore. After routine hospital and police formalities, he was buried Tuesday, 22 July 2008 at Sialkot.    
Ijaz Ahmad was an active member of the 55th Club in Lahore and participated wholeheartedly in all the planned gatherings, recalls Zahir Khan.

May Allah bless Ijaz Ahmed and all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen. 

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

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S A J Shirazi said...

Rest in peace Ijaz Ahmed. Another great post JhB.

Syed Ali Baqar said...

If recall correctly, Ijaz died in an accident. It was too early for such a nice am thorough gentleman to part to eternity, but ALLAH SWT has own designs.
May ALLAH SWT rest him in eternal peace and bless him with choicest place in HIS jawar e rahmat. AAMEEN

Jamil said...

kind hearted and a thorough gentleman with a smiling face. Soft spoken n polite.
Blessings n prayers for him.
اللہ تعالٰی مرحوم اعجاز کی مغفرت فرمائے اور اپل خانہ کو صبر جمیل عطاء فرمائے آمین

S A J Shirazi said...

Rest in peace Ijaz Ahmed. And thanks to JhB.