Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Many of us have grown up off springs and some of them have chosen to follow the imprints of their fathers and grand fathers - or even some of us are second or third generations men at arms. This section has been added on the request of those whose sons have joined the profession of arms.

We have a long list of course mates who are second generation sons of the soil. Some that I remember are:
  • Col Saeed Raja - father Colonel Col M.M.Siddique Raja
  • Abdul Qadir Khan Shahid - father Lieutenant Colonel Basit commanded an air defence regiment
  • Safdar Jahanzeb - father Brigadier Bangash ( was commanding the Piffers Center while we were in the academy)
  • Naveed Akbar Khalid had a parental claim on 5 Light Air Defence Regiment 
  • Mumtaz Hussain (late) had a parental claim of 19 Light Air Defence Regiment and later commanded it.
And herein under are few more:

Brig Muhammad Siddique Khan, SJ, SK - son Lt Col Mujeeb (could not find his photo as Lieutenant Colonel - so chose his school days photo)
Tariq Khan and Father Lieutenant Colonel Nawabzada Azmat Khan. Played Polo for Pakistan. Commanded 4 Cavalry - which later Tariq commanded. Died 2011. 

Tariq Khan (right) accompanying his father (third from right) when Tariq was Commanding 1 Armoured Division. Occasion: General Jehanzeb Memorial Polo Cup - 2006

Captain Sharjeel Shahid Shinwari AMC, son of Shahid Noor. On 20th September 2012 he was ambushed in Waziristan by the militants and succumbed to the IED placed by the roadside while visiting patients in a forward military camp and embraced shahadat.

Abbassi and his son
 Mustafa Maan flanked by his two sons
Mirza Muhammad Saeed himself in ages with his son Ahmed
 Saleem Sarwar with his Son
 Zaffar Durrani with his sons (S Lt Aamir - PN and Lt Shoaib - Army)

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  • Generations Many of us have grown up off springs and some of them have chosen to follow the imprints of their fathers and grand fathers - or even some of us are … Read More


Jamil said...

Dear Jalal, its a great pleasure to see your creativity n good work. Seeing 55th through generations is a wonderful idea. Feeling proud of your work. Please continue, I am sure my friends will keep adding n contributing, may be slowly but surely. Good luck