Saturday, October 12, 2024

Farewell Iqbal - our dear Bala

It is a sad day today, the 12th October 2024 when our dearest Iqbal "Bala" finally  takes his leave from our world to present himself to his Creator. 
‎إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
He has been battling with a very rare disease for many years and we all prayed him to recover. But  Allah has His own plans for everyone of us and Iqbal after playing his part in the Allah's plan has finally been called back. 

More being added.

May Allah bless Iqbal and all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen. 

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

In memory of Naveed Muhammad Butt

(- 23 August 2024)
28th August 2024 was yet another day  of mourning for all of us for on this day we lost yet another brother, comrade and course Naveed Muhammad Butt. 
‎إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Will be adding more in due course.

May Allah bless Naveed and all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen. 

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Farewell Imran Nadeem

(1955-23 May 2024)
We lose yet another brother, comrade and course Imran Nadeem this day 23rd May 2024. 
‎إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
He has been suffering from cancer for sometime but always appeared in high spirits never hinting the severity of his ailment - a true characteristic of a SSG commando.

Will be adding more to it

May Allah bless Imran and all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen. 

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Farwell Muhammad Fida Hussain

(3 September 1952 - 5 February 2024)
There always some people around you who lie low always in their complete humbleness, yet sincerity and love for others. Our comrade Muhammad Fid Hussain was one such brother who was not seen much, but was always in our hearts for his complete selfless life, both within the army and in the period of retirement.  And for this reason, the delayed news his demise came as a surprise to most us. He left for his heavenly abode on 5th February 2024 in CMH Multan due to cardiac arrest during dialysis.
انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون 
Fida was already a graduate (B Sc) when he joined the Pakistan Military Academy. He was originally from Khalid 3 platoon but passed from Ghaznavi Company in 1977. I do not have many photos of our late comrade. But found a few from my PMA collection:
Fida sitting extreme left during the famous Introduction Night in B Mess
Group Photo Final Term Ghaznavi Seniors 1 - Fida standing extreme right in first row
As mentioned by his son, Fida was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) around 2 years back and has since been on medication. But gradually the disease worsened over time and eventually he had to undergo the Dialysis treatment in CMH Multan. His dialysis treatment continued for approximately 1 month. Although he walked without assistance but his overall health has significantly declined as per medical reports. On 5th February 2024 he suffered from cardiac arrest during dialysis around 3 pm in CMH Multan and succumbed to it. 

He was buried in his native city Layyah on 6th February 2024, buried next to his parents. He is survived by Bhabi sahiba, a daughter and four sons.

Recalling Fida, this is what his platoon mates and others said:

Jamil recalls Fida Hussain (Sufi) as a very kind and humble person, who would usually like to stay quite. He adds:  As I was trying to find and add every course mate of ours from around the world in "Brothers55" WhatsApp group but few were difficult to find and Fida Hussain was one of them. But Alhamdulillah after 5+ years of efforts I finally found him and added to the group but he liked to stay quite, though he would occasionally say hello to me. It was a shock for me to know about his demise as I sent a message on his cellphone to know about his welfare in routine but his replied from Fida's phone that his beloved Dad is no more. May Almighty Allah bless him with the best place of Jannah tul Firdous and grant family Sabr e Jameel Aameen!

Aslam Javed says that he called one of his school fellows in Multan where Fida was residing in Al Quraish colony. He told him that Fida was active member of society and regular member of mosque committee.

Alamgir said Fida was our platoon mate, a simple and  thorough gentle soul with no kinks and inhibitions, village back ground like me, a very humble person. May Allah swt bless his soul and peace in eternity. 

May Allah grant Muhammad Fida Hussain a place in Jannat ul firdous and grant sabr to his family in this difficult time. Ameen. May Allah bless all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen. 

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

In memory of Shahid Maqbool

(11 June 1955 - 2 June 2023)

The pre-dawn prayer on 2nd of June 2023 began another peaceful day. As usual I shared a supplication on my select WhatsApp group and it was instantly responded to by Shahid Maqbool by an in boxed message - something he always did since I started sharing the supplications before or after the Fajr prayer. The sun started rolling and life seemed normal. Around elevenish, Ashraf Tabbasum rang him up and both had a hearty chat for good about one hour. But things started to change when Shahid was getting ready for the Jumu'ah prayers. As informed by Muhammad Asif, Shahid was at home, getting ready for Jumma Prayers. He took shower and got himself shalwar qameez from wardrobe. Not feeling well, he called Bhabi Sahiba and complained of his unrest. Bhabi Sahiba checked BP and pulse which were normal. He again complained and Bhabi Sahiba got worried and sent their servant for doctor who is living close by but he had already left for Prayers. Servant went to mosque and brought Dr with him. The doctor tried his best but Shahid had expired. His neighbors Gen Waheed Akhtar and Brig Sami evacuated him to AFIC, where he was pronounced brought dead.

Thus, by early afternoon, the day that had dawned with Shahid responding to all his friends on WhatsApp, ended in an utter tragedy. When the news spread, everyone was taken aback and shocked to listen to the tragic news. As Tassawar puts it, "Very few of us have been blessed with a constant and everlasting smile on their faces. Now we would miss our beautiful friend/colleague with the beautiful smile and with a beautiful soul."

Herein under is collection of photos of Shahid Maqbool from PMA days till date:

Shahid Maqbool shared this first term photo with me - reminding us of the night gowns
Second Term group photo after the Boxing event (Shahid Maqbool stands fourth from left)
Nawab Sahib somehow knew Shahid was to join Signals and snapped him with his wireless set
Qasim Company final term group photo: Shahid Maqbool stand in the middle of first row
The journey into army began as a dashing and aspiring young officer
Javed Baloch, Abdul Qadir Khan Shahid and Shahid Maqbool (NDC visit to Bangladesh 1999)
A heart wrenching photo - By the will of Allah, all three of them are living in their heavenly abode
Officer of 55th PMA attending War Course 1999 - Shahid Maqbool stands third from left
Three aspiring colonels shaking hands with the boss: Jamal Zia, Iqbal Badar Khan and Shahid Maqbool
Shahid Maqbool on a visit to earthquake hit areas in area of responsibility of Ashraf Tabbasum 2005
Course get together 2008 Abbottabad (Shahid sits fourth from right)
A memorable visit by Shahid Maqbool to my residence in Mangla where I was posted as Station Commander. Major General Shahid Maqbool, then DG SCO had come to Mirpur to inaugurate a newly commissioned telephone exchange and I too was invited. The day was very hot and humid and standing out there in the open sun for almost two hours took a heavy toll on me, due to my recently developed high blood pressure, and I had to rush back home. To my utter surprise, Shahid, after the ceremony, specially came over to my house to inquire about my health – something that really moved me of his sincerity and concern for others and I thought I must mention the incident ‘for the info of all’.
Wherever there was Shahid Maqbool, everyone flocked to have him photographed with him
A get together at NDC hosted by Farooq - Shahid stands extreme right
Nathiagali get together 2015 - Shahid stands sixth from right flanked by Allah Dad and Javed Baloch

A few words about Shahid's DP that he used on his WhatsApp page. After retirement, I settled in DHA Islamabad and whenever I passed by the Signals College, I always wanted to visit Shahid who was then posted as the Commandant of the Signals College. But somehow, I was always in a hurry for some job and pended my plan of visiting Shahid for the next time. And the next time came one day and while just outside the Signals College, I called Shahid to call on him. Instead of inviting me in the college, he gave his usual laugh and said that he was at his residence in Chaklala for it was his first day after retirement, and called me over for a cup of tea at his residence. I went to Chaklala Cantonment where an MP escort was standby to take me to his residence. He welcomed me wearing his typical smile, clad in white shalwar kameez. Before I left, I requested him for a photo for it was his first day in civvies. And thus, the photo I took was so dear to Shahid, that he used it as his DP. 

His burial was delayed for two days as his children are presently out of the country. On Sunday 4, 2023 his burial took place at Sector G, DHA Phase 2, Islamabad graveyard. The burial was attended by perhaps one of the biggest funeral gatherings I have seen so far. Almost all local course mates were there. Asharaf Tabbasum, Zahir Khan, Farooq Iqbal, Rashid Javeed, Nauman, Khalid Javed, Mujeeb and Tassawar had specially come for Lahore to bid farewell to our dearest Shahid Maqbool. Zaheer ul Islam laid the floral wreath his grave on behalf of the course.

There is much more that can be written in memory of Shahid Maqbool for officers and gentlemen like him are seldom born. I shared the photos that I have. Friends may share his photos and his memories with me so as to make this post memorable.

May Allah bless him and all our brothers who have left for their heavenly abode before him. Ameen. May all those of us suffering from any ailment be blessed with shifa e kamla and long healthy lives. Ameen.

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Farwell Munir Ahmed Butt

(15 June 1953 - 12 August 2022)
The stop watch for everyone has been clicked on since our birth and it is made to stop when our time is up in the earthly world. That is the day when we are no more anymore for death is an irreversible cessation of our wordily life. Every man or living being has to face this one day when from a living being, we are enshrouded and deposited into our grave. This is the day we see our dear and near ones for the last time when the angel of death takes them away from us. Though it is the will of Allah to take us back when our time comes, yet the pain of missing those, now no more, cannot be expressed in words.

12 August 2022 has been one such day when another good man, brother and comrade of almost five decades breathed his last and bade us farewell forever.

Recalling memories of Munir Butt in PMA, there have been many group photos of Khallid Platoon No. 3 in which Munir figures out. The first photo herein under was taken on the sad departure of our very good brother Shaffi Luq Luq who unfortunately had to leave PMA in the first term:
Tariq Satti, Maten Shaffi Luq Luq, Jhahngir and Munir Butt
Munir stands extreme right on our first Eid at PMA. Others include (from left to right) Tahir Kahlon, Asim Jilani, Akhtar Abbas Janjua, and Alamgir
Munir stands fourth from left with BSM Masoom (late) during boxing days of Second Term

The above two group photos have been shared by Syed Mateen, while the following photos are shared by Jamal Zia of his platoon of Second Term in which Munir is also present:
Major (later Colonel) Shuja Ullah Khan Tarar recalls: Munir was my cadet in PMA. He later served with me in 19 Sind. A very fine officer. May Allah bless his soul. Ameen.
Munir was a strongly built muscular young man when he joined PMA. Tahir Kahloon tells us that he was a body builder before joining the academy. Thus, it shouldn't be a surprise that he excelled in PT and surpassed everyone when it came to physical fitness and endurance.
Munir receiving the PT Medal from Commandant PMA (1977)

Therefore, it was no surprise that he was awarded the PT Medal for his superb fitness and robustness. But time takes a heavy toll on us when we start to age and our parts slow down till, we cease to be. Munir had a hard time in his last days, suffering from dementia for long and then finally falling prey to Covid-19. 

The PMA Days - Final Term Aurangzeb Company 1977
Seated: CSM Salim, BQMS Saleem, SUO Khalid, Major S A Naqvi  (Platoon Commander, ASC), 
CJUO Fazal, BSM Farooq, CQMS Mohsin
Standing (first row): Sergeants Tariq, Rauf, Javed GC Jilani, Sergeant Azhar, GC Shaffi, Safdar, Khattak
Standing (Second Row): GC Munir, Shoaib, Sergeants Farooq, Altaf,  Ishraque  and Qadri
Thronging the field artillery gun during Field Firing, Munir is standing third from left
There aren't many photos of Munir in any get together with me. Even the 2008 get together at Abbottabad, though he attended but missed the group photo. However, I had collected thumb size photos in which Munir figures out from second last row extreme right. Hereinunder Munir is seen standing with FS Tony, Shahid Maqbool, Azhar Ali Shah and myself:
Munir was quiet, yet friendly and full of life. In his last years, he has been very conscious of his religious obligations and when I once met him for the last time, though many years ago, I found him different from others and we talked about religion. He showed his dismay on our merry making and lamented that we were steering off course from Sirat e Mustaqeem and that our actions did not correspond to the tenants of Islam. And that time, I was like the lot and perhaps did not get his message right. But his views left a deep imprint on me and recently I too started following the path he was walking on, I regretted not having listened to him then and thus wasting away so many years of life.
Remembering Munir, Syed Haider Raza Mehdi recalls: I knew him from my PMA days as I was their 3rd term Platoon Sergeant when they joined in the first term. A very gentle quiet soul.  He was an extremely good wrestler and kabbadi player, before he joined PMA.  Won many awards and medals. May Allah SWT Grant his dear departed Soul with Eternal peace and happiness in the Final Abode. Alhamdulillah. Ilahi Aameen
Recalling Munir one Shaukat Malik from the Veterans' forum on Face book recalls: A jolly upright and good human being. We served together in ISSB Kohat as GTOs and everyone enjoyed his company. May Allah bless him. Ameen
There has been a great pause since, for he was not visible in course functions. Lately his absence was noticed by Muhammad Jamil on course forum and the Muhammad Asif was the man who finally traced him out very recently. Shahid Noor and Ikram Kiyani visited him at his home in Bahria Town and was really sad to see the once master of the tracks lying helplessly on the bed, recognizing no one. While we had just taken a sigh of relief for him having been found out, he was admitted in hospital to spend his numbered days there till 12th Augst 2022. Had Jamil and Asif not tried to find him out, Muir may have gone away without anyone of us ever knowing.

His funeral was attended by almost 20 course mates. I wish I could have joined in saying farewell to our brother for I was just recovering from acute fever I was suffering from the last three days.

Note: Please forgive me for not finding any more photos of Munir in my photo reservoir. If his close associates/platoon mates have any photos or memories to share, please inbox me in my WhatsApp.

May Allah bless Munir Butt and all our course mates who have left us earlier than us and rest their souls in peace up in the heavens. Ameen. 

Please refer to our Reference Page to read about all those of us who have left us midway for their Heavenly abode.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Remembering An Officer and a Gentleman: Lieutenant Colonel Talat Umer (SJ)

23rd September 2021 dawned today with a very sad news - the sad news of the demise of Lieutenant Colonel Talat Umer, Sitara-e-Jurrat (1971 war)  إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎ A war hero who shall live in military archive of Pakistan Army - forever.

Tall, very soft spoken and humane, young Talat Umer was a 1971 war hero and had fought war in the same battalion of Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed, NH.  For his excellent  performance in the war, he was awarded the Sitara-e-Jurrat. He had his early schooling in the prestigious Central Model School, Lahore, followed by Military College befor4e joining 39th PMA Long Course. For his towering personality, he was known as Father Williams from his Military College days. All along his military career, Colonel Talat Omar remained a symbol of courage and a true warrior as he followed  footsteps of his brave father Colonel Haq Nawaz of 6 FF.  If his personality is to be summed up, he was beyond any doubt An Officer and a Gentleman.

When we, the 55th PMA Long Course, landed in PMA, then Major Talat Umer was the WTO (Weapon Training Officer). Whenever we went to the ranges for firing of different weapons, we would come across him, who would address the course and open up with a joke that consumed all our tiredness of the day.

When we were in the third term, our platoon had a rather strict disciplinarian platoon commander, who really took a heavy toll of our numbers. We were in utter low morale and badly needed a messiah. To our very good luck, our platoon commander was selected as adjutant Saudi Military Academy and left us within days. Since this was not a planned turn over of platoon commanders, and none was at hand either, so Major Talat Umer was assigned to our platoon. He was a godsend and he was the man we really wanted to bandage our wounds and raise our spirits. As said before, he was humane, elderly like person who really knew how to revive our platoon and see us through the PMA gate on the eve of our passing out day.
Complete Tariq 1 platoon with the then Major Talat Umer at Mardan Regimental centre during the Exercise Qiyadat/Field Firing
He was so popular that cadets of other platoons flocked him wherever he was for a snap. In photo above, Salim Nawaz, Ishraque (late), Altaf and Shabbir join us for a group photo
The platoon catwalk with Major Talat Umer
The final term group photo of our platoon with Major Talat Umer, SJ
An Evening with Colonel Talat Umer at Lahore Defence Club: After the passing out, although we have met Colonel Umer in individual capacities, it was on 20th June 2013 that some of K-4 / Tariq-1 officers had an opportunity to have meet Lieutenant Colonel Talat Umer, SJ at Defence Club Lahore on a dinner and reminisced memories of the days of the fourth term when we were protected by the then Major  Talat from any more harm.  Adventurous as he always was, he extended an invitation for hunting across River Ravi, but unfortunately this could never materialize.

We met again in 2016 during the course get together in Lahore.
Souvenir for Colonel Talat by the organizing committee of the Lahore Chapter
The last gathering with Colonel Talat at Lahore gettogether in 2016. I wish we had met him more !!
“O soul at peace! Return to your Lord, well-pleased and well-pleasing. Enter, then, together with My [righteous] servants! Enter My paradise!”  [Surah Al-Fajr:89: 27-30]
Attending Colonel Talat Umer's last rituals and burial, Colonel Nauman Siddiqui writes: Colonel Talat Umer was a larger than life figure who shifted to his heavenly abode in the evening of 23rd September. He was bid a befitting farewell by Pakistan Army, being an SJ, whilst his family, friends and students also turned up in significant numbers in these Covid days,  to bid a somber and solemn good bye. The occasion was representative of his towering status. His course mate and one of our platoon commanders Colonel Shuja Ullah Tarrar laid a wreath on behalf of 39th Long Course while our platoonmate Abid Qadri, IGP (retired) laid a wreath on behalf of our platoon and the 55 PMA Long Course.

May Allah (SWT) forgive his sins, protect him from the adhaab of khabar, grant him the shade of His (SWT) arsh, make his journey through Siraat, Raad and Qantara easy, give him the sharaab from Kauthar, elevate him to the highest ranks, protect from the fire, grant him Jannatul Firdawas and Sabar to the family. أمين